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Israel : Right to Exist || A detailed story of Israel

Hello everyone, Today I want to write about the rights of an Israeli, A Jewish country which have the right to exist and they fought for it alone against all the other nations and all odds.
Right from its formation to the present time, Arab nationalist attacked Israel several times.

On 14th May 1948, David Ben-Gurion, head of Jewish agency declared " establishment of Israel".
4 Arab countries were against this and initiated war against Israel, as they don't want their land to divided and distributed.
This started Arab-Israel 1948 war, Israel there fought for their existence, as Arab forces were started to destroy Jewish land and started killing Jews, they came there to finish Jews.
Fortunately and bravely, Israel won on all fronts and establish themselves.

On 11th May 1949, Israel was admitted as a member of the United Nations by majority votes.
This is the picture used by Arab states to defame Israel.
The opposition of Israel on the grounds of occupied land by Israel is not fair.
As you check the history that Israel was always attacked from its neighboring countries and always fought to maintain his existence.
Every time Israel fought any war its not about winning land its always about protect themselves from enemies which they are surrounded in.

Israel can fight a war with 3-4 countries at the same time and win each and every war.

Israel doesn't have any help from other nations. They alone fought and won.
Winning land is not what Israel want. They always fight to save their existence.
To be continued......................


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